Year: 2019

Year: 2019

Yes Or No Coin
30th November 2019 App Marcus Lam

Sometime you may need to make a decision on something really not important. Why don’t you just flip a coin to decide? It is a coin simulator using the physics engine. It flips like a real coin. Flip the coin by touching the coin or below the coin then slide up. Yes Or No Coin

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An app for my son
30th November 2019 App Marcus Lam

Son: Dad I want to turn left.Me: Son, the train does not work like this. It only runs along the railway.Son: BUT I WANT TO TURN LEFT!Me: Well, my be I can build one for you. The idea is when you want to turn left, the left railway would be generated.This app may release on Play

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Nice to meet you!
30th November 2019 News Marcus Lam

Hello, I am Marcus. I am a dad and an engineer. To be specific, I am an electrical engineer. However, I built a lot of devices that interact with the smartphone. I know how to program in C#, Objective C, Java, etc for Windows, iOS and Android devices. I would like to share my experience

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